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Thank you so much for your endorsement of AB 83 - The Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act.
There are several ways your organization can support our effort to pass AB 83:
CREATE A PETITION to ask your California list to sign on in support
BECOME AN ENDORSING ORGANIZATION - Turn in a support letter to the CA Leg Position Portal via the portal and using our sample letter (AB 83 (Lee) Sample Support Letter).
AB 83 - The Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act
Phone Call/Petition/Email/Social Media Toolkit
Header: Call In Week to Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections (November 13-17)
Body: We need your help this week!
We are asking you to take 2 minutes to look up your Assemblymember and call in to their office:
Here is what you can say:
I’m [NAME AND WHERE YOU ARE FROM] and I’m calling today because U.S. Election Law is CLEAR – there should be NO FOREIGN MONEY IN OUR ELECTIONS!
Can I count on Assemblymember [ELECTED OFFICIAL’S NAME] to vote YES on AB83 this January?
The Supreme Court Citizens’ United decision created a giant loophole allowing FOREIGN money into U.S. elections through foreign investments in U.S. Corporations. By passing AB 83 – The Get Foreign Money out of California Elections Act, we can close that loophole. Currently, 40% of all the shares held in US corporations are held by foreign investors.
We deserve a democracy by and for the people of California, not multinational corporations. I urge you to vote “yes” on AB 83.
Thanks you!
SUBJECT: TAKE ACTION: End Foreign-Influenced Corporate Spending in California Elections
(First Name)
Across the country, multinational corporations like Amazon and Airbnb with significant foreign ownership have used their money to influence the outcome of elections and to advance political agendas in their favor.
But California has a chance to join Minnesota and Maine to end foreign-influenced corporate spending once and for all with the Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act (AB 83). If enacted, multinational corporations would be barred from contributing to candidates, parties, or committees (including super PACs) or from engaging in their own direct election spending.
The California Assembly will be voting on AB 83 in January. To get it over the finish line, we need your help.
Contact your Assemblymember and your Senator today and urge them to pass AB 83!
The voices of everyday Californians must be heard in Sacramento, and foreign investors should no longer be able to subvert the law by using multinational corporations to influence elections. To truly achieve a democracy by and for the people of California, we must start by barring foreign-influenced corporations from spending money in our elections.
Tell the California Legislature to pass the Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act today.
In solidarity,
(Organization Name)
When the U.S. Supreme Court decided that corporations could spend unlimited amounts of money from their corporate treasuries in U.S. elections (Citizens United v FEC, 2010), they justified the decision by saying that a U.S. corporation was “an association of citizens.”
However, 40% of all the shares held in US corporations are held by foreign investors, not U.S. citizens, living outside of the U.S. These corporations then spend millions in California elections, even though U.S. election law stipulates that no foreign money is allowed in U.S. elections, contributed either “directly or indirectly.”
Citizens United opened a loophole: Non-U.S. entities can invest in U.S. corporations, and they can in turn spend unlimited amounts of money on U.S. elections.
AB 83, the Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act, closes the loophole that allows foreign money to pour into California campaigns, candidates, political parties, PACs, Super-PACS and ballot measures “indirectly", undermining our capacity for self-governance.
Earlier this year, Minnesota closed the loophole, prohibiting multinational corporations from spending money on state elections. We can do the same in California. Multinational influence is a threat to U.S. sovereignty and to our national security – international interests can easily, and often do, diverge from U.S. interests. There should not be any foreign money in our elections.
Join us in support of AB 83 and urge the California Assembly to pass this legislation and close this loophole immediately.
Sign the petition in support of AB 83, the Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act.
Urge your Assemblymember to support AB 83, the Get Foreign Money Out Of California Elections Act. The proposal would prevent corporations from using foreign funds to interfere in CA elections.
Find your Assemblymember:
@FSFP @MOVI_Coalition
- ASM @alex_lee introduced AB 83 to prohibit foreign entities from influencing state & local ballot measures or elections. Now California is on the verge of passing this legislation to protect our democracy.
Tell your Assemblymember to support this bill today:
@FSFP @MOVI_Coalition
- It’s time to protect California elections from foreign interests.
Tell your Assemblymember: support AB 83, the Get Foreign Money Out Of California Elections Act, and protect state & local elections from foreign-influence. @FSFP @MOVI_Coalition
- 40% of the money US corporations spend in US elections is foreign. Now California could pass a new bill that would ban foreign-influenced $$ in state and local elections.
Find your State Assemblymember here and urge them to support AB 83:
Urge your Assemblymember to support AB 83, the Get Foreign Money Out Of California Elections Act. The proposal would prevent corporations from using foreign funds to interfere in state and local elections.
Find your Assemblymember:
@MoneyOutVotersInCoalition @FreeSpeech4People
- Assemblymember @votealexlee introduced AB 83 to prohibit foreign entities from influencing state and local ballot measures or elections. Now California is on the verge of passing this legislation to protect our democracy.
Tell your Assemblymember to support this bill today. Find them here:
@MoneyOutVotersInCoalition @FreeSpeech4People
- It’s time to protect California elections from foreign interests.
Tell your Assemblymember: support AB 83, the Get Foreign Money Out Of California Elections Act, and protect state and local elections from foreign-influence. @MoneyOutVotersInCoalition @FreeSpeech4People
- 40% of the money U.S. corporations spend in U.S. elections is foreign. Now California could pass a new bill that would ban foreign-influenced spending in state and local elections.
Find your State Assemblymember here and urge them to support AB 83:
@MoneyOutVotersInCoalition @FreeSpeech4People
The Supreme Court let foreign money into our elections.
They made a #SupremeMistake!
#CloseTheLoophole #PassAB83
Betcha thought foreign money was illegal in elections?
Welp, not since Citizens United.
#SupremeMistake #CloseTheLoophole #PassAB83
Citizens United is even worse than you think.
#SupremeMistake #CloseTheLoophole #PassAB83
One does not simply ignore No foreign money in elections!
That’s ZERO!
#SupremeMistake! #CloseTheLoophole #PassAB83
Do you want foreign money influencing our elections?
#SupremeMistake #CloseTheLoophole #PassAB83