Would your organization like to publicly support this democratic movement and join the growing list of elected officials, candidates, and organizations who have endorsed Prop 59? If so, please email [email protected].
We'd love to speak to your group and explain how important this ballot initiative is. Please let us know if we can come speak at one of your meetings.
Download our endorsement package. Having trouble downloading? Email: [email protected]
- American Promise
- California Clean Money Campaign
- Courage Campaign
- Democracy For America
- Fix Our America
- Free Speech For People
- Friends of the Earth
- Money Out People In (MOPI)
- Move To Amend
- Our Revolution
- Progressive Democrats of America
- People For The American Way
- People's Email Network
- Public Citizen
- Represent.us
- Stamp Stampede
- 99RISE
- 350 Silicon Valley
- ACLU of Southern California,
- Advancement Project California
- AFT Local 6157 Evergreen
- Agenda Project Action Fund
- Alameda County Democratic Party
- Alameda County Green Party
- Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE)
- American Family Voices
- American Solidarity Party of California
- American Sustainable Business Council
- Asian Law Alliance
- Bend The Arc
- Berkeley Citizens Action
- BFUU Social Justice Committee
- CA Church Impact
- California Alliance for Retired Americans
- California Association of Nonprofits
- California Democratic Party
- California Environmental Justice Alliance Action
- California Federation of Teachers
- California Green Party
- California Labor Federation
- California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV)
- California Nurses Association
- California Peace and Freedom Party
- California Professional Firefighters
- California School Employees Association
- California State Employees Association
- California Workforce Association
- Citizens' Climate Lobby
- Citizens Take Action
- Coalition for Justice and Accountability
- Coast Democratic Club - Mendocino County
- Common Cause
- Communications Workers of America (CWA)
- Consumer Watchdog
- Corporate Accountability International
- Culver City Democratic Club
- Daily Kos
- Democracy Matters
- Democracy Spring
- Democratic Club of Sunnyvale
- Dream Menders
- Franciscan Action Network
- Friends Committee on Legislation of California
- Green Party of Santa Clara County
- Greenpeace, Inc.
- Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club
- Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Silicon Valley
- Human Agenda
- Inland Mendocino County Democrats
- Laborers Local 270
- Latino Voters League
- League of Pissed Off Voters
- NAACP San Jose Chapter
- People Acting in Community Together (PACT)
- Push for Progress
- Rethink Media
- San Francisco Green Party
- Santa Clara County Democratic Club
- Santa Monica Democratic Club
- Sierra Club - Mendocino County
- Sierra Club - California
- Silicon Valley Asian American Democratic Club
- Sonoma County Democrats
- South Bay Labor Council
- Stonewall Democratic Club
- Topanga Peace Alliance
- Unite Here, Local 19
- Westchester-Playa Democratic Club
- YES WE CAN Democratic Club
ELECTED OFFICIALS: See how your state legislators voted here.
U.S. Senate:
- Senator Bernie Sanders - VT
- Kamala Harris (D) - CA Senatorial Candidate
- Loretta Sanchez (D) - CA Senatorial Candidate
U.S Congress - Candidates by District:
- CD 25 - Bryan Caforio (D)
- CD 33:
- Rep. Ted Lieu (D)
- Kenneth Wright (R)
- CD 37 - Rep. Karen Bass (D)
- CD 42 - Tim Sheridan (D) - candidate
- CD 44 - Nanette Barragan (D)
- CD 44 - Rep. Janice Hahn (D)
- CD 50 - Patrick Malloy (D)
California State Senate - Candidates & Elected Officials by District:
- SD 02 - Senator Mike McGuire (D)
- SD 09 - Senator Loni Hancock (D)
- SD 10 - Senator Bob Wieckowski (D)
- SD 11 - Senator Mark Leno (D)
- SD 17 - Senator Bill Monning (D)
- SD 19 - Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D)
- SD 24 - Sen. Kevin de Leon (D) - Senate President Pro Tempore
- SD 25 - Anthony Portantino (D) - candidate
- SD 26 - Senator Ben Allen (D)
- SD 27 - Henry Stern (D) - candidate
- SD 33 - Honor Robson (Lib) - candidate
- SD 35:
- Warren Furutani (D) - candidate
- Steven Bradford (D) - candidate
California State Assembly - Candidates & Elected Officials by District:
- AD 02 - Asm. Jim Wood (D)
- AD 37 - Edward Fuller - Candidate (NPP)
- AD 37 - Asm. Das Williams (D)
- AD 38 - Christy Smith (D) - Candidate
- AD 40 - Abigail Medina (D) - Candidate
- AD 41 - Asm. Chris Holden (D)
- AD 44 - Asm. Jacqui Irvwin (D)
- AD 45 - Asm. Matthew Dababneh (D)
- AD 47 - Eloise Reyes (D) - Candidate
- AD 50 - Asm.. Richard Bloom (D)
- AD 51 - Asm. Jimmy Gomez (D)
- AD 54 - Asm. Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D)
- AD 58 - Asm. Cristina Garcia (D)
- AD 62 - Asm. Autumn Burke (D)
- AD 66 - Al Muratsuchi (D) - Candidate
- AD 67 - Jorge Lopez (D) - Candidate
- AD 70 - Asm Patrick O'Donnell (D)
- AD 70 - Martha Flores-Gibson (R) - candidate
- AD 80 - Asm. Lorena Gonzalez
Other Elected Officials:
- Mike Bonin - Los Angeles City Council
- John Chiang - California State Treasurer
- Geam Davis - Santa Monica City Council
- Dave Jones - California Insurance Commissioner
- Ash Kalra - City Council, San Jose
- Kelley Kent - Culver City Unified School District Board Member
- Paul Koretz - Los Angeles City Council
- Sam Liccardo - Mayor, San Jose
- Mitch O'Farrell - Los Angeles City Council
- Nancy Pearlman - Trustee, Los Angeles Community College District
- Raul Peralez - San Jose City Council
- Steve Scalmanini - Mayor, Ukiah
- Ted Winterer - Santa Monica City Council
- Betty Yee - California State Controler
Other Candidates:
- Ajamu Baraka - Candidate US Vice-President, Green Party
- Oscar de la Torre - Candidate Santa Monica City Council
- Armen Melkonians - Candidate Santa Monica City Council
- Scott Menzies - Candidate Fort Bragg (City Council
- Dr. Jill Stein - Candidate US President, Green Party
- Bakersfield Californian
- Broke Ass Stuart
- East Bay Express
- Fresno Bee
- Hanford Sentinel
- La Opinion
- Sacramento Bee
- San Diego City Beat
- San Francisco Chronicle
- San Francisco Examiner
- San Jose Mercury News
- The Daily Californian
- The Record
- Robert Reich - former US Secretary of Labor
- Marshall Saunders - founder Citizens' Climate Lobby
- Tom Steyer
- Antonio Villaragiosa - Former Mayor of Los Angeles
"I heartily endorse Proposition 59. Everybody knows there is too much money in politics, so what there is to do give up our hopelessness, work, organize and vote for what we believe in. - Marshall Saunders - founder, Citizens' Climate Lobby
We are pleased to SUPPORT Prop 59, The Overturn Citizens United Act, a Voter Instruction before the People of California on the November 8, 2016 ballot.
Prop 59 calls upon all of California’s elected officials to use all of their constitutional authority, including but not limited to drafting, passing and ratifying an amendment or amendments to the US Constitution to overturn Citizens United v. FEC and “other applicable judicial precedents” to allow for the full regulation or limitation of campaign contributions and spending and to make clear that corporations should not have the constitutional rights of human beings.
The Supreme Court of the United States, acting without the support or consent of We The People, and without judicial restraint, has swept away longstanding precedent barring corporate money in our elections, and it has wrongly assigned to corporations, unions, and other incorporated entities the constitutional right to free speech guaranteed to individuals. We believe that this is a grave and troubling misinterpretation of the US Constitution.
If our democratic republic and system of representative government is to survive, these egregiously damaging rulings must be overturned. The only way that can be accomplished in a permanent fashion for generations to come is through the amendment process afforded us by the US Constitution.
Who's endorsing
5 endorsements