Join us for a call with special guest Sam Daley-Harris, author of Reclaiming Our Democracy and founder of RESULTS and the Center for Citizen Empowerment and Transformation.
In the first half of the call, Sam will teach you how to best message Prop 59 in under 3 minutes with one of his special Laser Talks, so that you can speak to anyone about why it is important to VOTE YES on Prop 59.
Sam will also share how to write an effective letter to the editor, so that you can get your voice out there.
Sam successfully coached the Citizens Climate Lobby, to the point of having thousands of letters to the editor published each year.
DIAL IN 641-715-3580 Access Code:103488
Prop 59 Laser Talk
95% of voters agree that there’s way too much money in politics. But a recent survey of likely California voters found that many are initially undecided on Prop 59, but support grows dramatically as voters learn more about the measure and that support is sustained even after hearing opposing views.
A constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United is the only permanent way to make sure that our representatives represent us instead of wealthy donors and large corporations.
A yes vote on Prop 59 instructs California's elected officials to pass an amendment to the US Constitution overturning Citizens United making it clear that corporations are not people and don't have constitutional rights and that we can get big money out of politics.
The message is clear, if the people are to win the people need to be educated, and we have to win this.
What can you do? Get this message out on Facebook and other social media. E-mail this message to your friends and urge them to pass it on. Invite friends over for a Prop 59 discussion and action party. Write a letter to the editor. Call a radio talk show. 95% of voters agree that there’s way too much money in politics. The whole democracy movement can rise or fall out of what happens in California.