AB1819 Social Media



TWITTER:  (Mix & Match and make it your own - With new rules, you can't just copy and paste!)

Do you want foreign money influencing California elections?

Call your Assemblymember NOW and demand they pass AB 1819

URGENT! Call your Assemblymember now to demand they ban foreign money from California elections. https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/

California elections should be decided by California voters, not corporations with foreign interests!

ASM @alex_lee introduced AB 1819 to protect our state & local elections from foreign-influenced $$. Now California is one step closer to putting elections back into the hands of voters.

California elections should be decided by California voters, not corporations with foreign influence

Urge your State Assemblymember to support it here: https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/



URGENT! Call your Assemblymember now to demand they ban foreign money from California elections.

By passing AB1819, California could close a loophole created by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. This bill, which is currently under consideration in the State Assembly, would ban foreign-influenced corporate spending in our state and local elections. Urge your State Assemblymember to support it here: https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/


When we all work together we can get foreign money out of elections. Call your Assemblymember and ask them to support AB 1819 TODAY https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/


By passing AB1819, California could close a loophole created by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. This new bill would ban foreign-influenced $$ in our state and local elections.  Urge your State Assemblymember to support it NOW https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/


California elections should be decided by California voters, not corporations with foreign-influenced dollars at their disposal. AB1819 could open the doors to a democracy that is truly of, by, and for the people of CA.  CALL your State Assemblymember and tell them to support AB 1819 NOW https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/


HASHTAGS: (pick and choose)








Find Your Rep https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/

More Info http://www.moneyoutvoterin.org

Talking Points https://assets.nationbuilder.com/yesonca59com/pages/2953/attachments/original/1652893388/AB1819TalkingPoints.pdf?1652893388

Petition https://www.moneyoutvotersin.org/join


District Assemblymember Phone Twitter Handle
1 Dahle 916-319-2001 @AsmMeganDahle
2 Wood 916-319-2002 @JimWoodAD2
3 Gallagher 916-319-2003 @J_GallagherAD3
4 Aguiar-Curry 916-319-2004 @AsmAguiarCurry
5 Bigelow 916-319-2005 @FrankBigelowCA
6 Kiley 916-319-2006 @KevinKileyCA
7 McCarty 916-319-2007 @AsmKevinMcCarty
8 Cooley 916-319-2008 @KenCooley
9 Cooper 916-319-2009 @AsmJimCooper
10 Levine 916-319-2010 @AsmMarcLevine
11 Wilson 916-319-2011 @AsmLoriDWilson
12 Flora 916-319-2012 @HeathFloraCA
13 Villapudua 916-319-2013 @AsmVillapudua
14 Grayson 916-319-2014 @AsmGrayson
15 Wicks 916-319-2015 @AsmBuffyWicks
16 Bauer-Kahan 916-319-2016 @BauerKahan
17 Haney 916-319-2017  
18 Bonta 916-319-2018 @AsmMiaBonta
19 Ting 916-319-2019 @AsmPhilTing
20 Quirk 916-319-2020 @AsmBillQuirk
21 Gray 916-319-2021 @AdamGrayCA
22 Mullin 916-319-2022 @kevinmullin
23 Patterson 916-319-2023  
24 Berman 916-319-2024 @AsmMarcBerman
25 Lee 916-319-2025 @alex_lee
26 Mathis 916-319-2026  
27 Kalra 916-319-2027 @Ash_Kalra
28 Low 916-319-2028 @Evan_Low
29 Stone 916-319-2029 @AsmMarkStone
30 Rivas, R. 916-319-2030 @AsmRobertRivas
31 Arambula 916-319-2031 @drarambulaAD31
32 Salas 916-319-2032  
33 Smith 916-319-2033  
34 V. Fong 916-319-2034 @AsmVinceFong
35 Cunningham 916-319-2035 @cunning_jordan
36 Lackey 916-319-2036  
37 Bennett 916-319-2037 @asmstevebennett
38 Valladares 916-319-2038 @suzettemartinez
39 Rivas, L. 916-319-2039 @AsmLuzRivas
40 Ramos 916-319-2040 @AsmJamesRamos
41 Holden 916-319-2041 @ChrisHoldenNews
42 Mayes 916-319-2042 @ChadMayes
43 Friedman 916-319-2043 @laurafriedman43
44 Irwin 916-319-2044 @ASM_Irwin
45 Gabriel 916-319-2045 @AsmJesseGabriel
46 Nazarian 916-319-2046 @adrin_nazarian
47 Reyes 916-319-2047 @AsmReyes47
48 Rubio 916-319-2048 @AsmBlancaRubio
49 M. Fong 916-319-2049 @MikeFongCA
50 Bloom 916-319-2050 @AsmRichardBloom
51 Carrillo 916-319-2051 @AsmCarrillo
52 Rodriguez 916-319-2052 @AsmRodriguez52
53 Santiago 916-319-2053 @SantiagoAD53
54 Bryan 916-319-2054 @ib2_real
55 Chen 916-319-2055 @PhillipChenCA
56 Garcia, E. 916-319-2056 @AsmEGarciaAD56
57 Calderon 916-319-2057 @AsmLisaCalderon
58 Garcia, C. 916-319-2058 @AsmGarcia
59 Jones-Sawyer 916-319-2059 @JonesSawyerAD59
60 Cervantes 916-319-2060 @AsmCervantes
61 Medina 916-319-2061 @AsmJoseMedina
62 VACANT    
63 Rendon 916-319-2063 @Rendon63rd
64 Gipson 916-319-2064 @AsmMikeGipson
65 Quirk-Silva 916-319-2065 @QuirkSilva65th
66 Muratsuchi 916-319-2066 @AsmMuratsuchi
67 Seyarto 916-319-2067 @AssemblySeyarto
68 Choi 916-319-2068 @AsmStevenChoi68
69 Daly 916-319-2069 @AsmDaly
70 O'Donnell 916-319-2070 @AsmPatODonnell
71 Voepel 916-319-2071 @RandyVoepel
72 Nguyen 916-319-2072 @AsmJanetNguyen
73 Davies 916-319-2073 @AsmLaurieDavies
74 Petrie-Norris 916-319-2074 @AsmCottie
75 Waldron 916-319-2075 @MarieWaldron75
76 Boerner-Horvath 916-319-2076 @AsmTbh
77 Maienschein 916-319-2077 @BMaienschein
78 Ward 916-319-2078 @AsmChrisWard
79 Weber 916-319-2079 @asmakilahweber
80 VACANT